I hope that Will, looking back on today
Will remember a mommy who had time to play;
Because he'll grow up while I'm not looking
There are years ahead for cleaning and cooking.
So quiet now cobwebs, dust go to sleep,
I'm loving my baby, and babies don't keep.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Life Lessons '08

A little Belated...

So I sent out a Christmas Letter this year. Yup. I did it. I always thought I would start doing that when I had kids, but when the time rolled around I felt like I didn't have much to say. The letters I was receiving shared fun vacations, new jobs and exciting stories. As I looked back at 2008, I didn't have a lot of big stories to share, but I thought, Jeff and I did learn a thing or two, and that I decided to preach to the peeps about in my "Christmas Letter"...

  • We learned the most important gifts come in the smallest packages.
  • We learned that the one thing that most certainly joins you together will unknowingly try to tear you apart, and getting through it is a victory to be celebrated.
  • We learned that we could never do it alone.
  • We learned how far from “alone” we truly are—and what an amazing blessing it is.
  • We learned how to pick our battles.
  • We learned pureed veggies are better than no veggies.
  • We learned to love the sweet smell of drool.
  • We learned just how many people love us, and pray for us.
  • We learned that a quick goodnight kiss is more romantic than previously considered.
  • We learned how hard it really is.
  • We learned that it’s all worth it.
  • We learned the power of prayer and that God is in charge.
  • We learned that Cheerios, turns out, are not the choking hazard that we once feared.
  • We learned how to have G-rated fun.
  • We learned that “no!” “stop!” and “owie!” are somehow part of a hilarious stand-up act.
  • We learned that sometimes pre-cut, pre-washed, pre-made is just fine and dandy.
  • We learned we can’t do it all.
  • We learned we can’t even do half of it!

    And most importantly…
  • We learned that love…love will keep us together.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Sit! Stay! Good Baby!

Will has started doing tricks. I say it like that because the way I sound out the commands, and he lovingly obliges, he looks like an obedient little puppy. :)

This is usually how it goes--I like to do it all in a row, like we're auditioning or something:

Me: "Will, where's your nose?"
Will: Points to his nose (or my nose) and usually sticks finger up said nose

Me: "Will, how big are you? So Big?"
Will: Giant smile, hands WAAAAAY up in the air

Me: "Will, can you blow me a kiss?
Will: Opens chubby palm, opens mouth, sticks out tongue and taps his little palm to his mouth (even blown kisses are french kisses for this Casanova!)

Me: "Will, can you 'pat, pat, pat BLAST-OFF!!!???'"--this is from Little Einsteins, which I think may be my favorite show.
Will: pats his hands once or twice on his lap, giant smile, hands way up

Me: "Will, who's number 1?"
Will: points at me with chubby index finger (of course--who else would be #1???)

It's so cute. You'll have to take my word for it though, or perhaps catch him when he isn't looking, because I brought out the video camera the other day (my new indulgence, fyi) and it went more like this:

Me: "Will, where's your nose?"
Will: mouth hanging open, curious stink-eye at the camera

Me: "Will, how big are you? So Big?"
Will: mouth hanging open, curious stink-eye at the camera

Me:....well, you get the idea.

I've seen it once, I've seen it a hundred times. Kids makin' a liar out of their mamas. Little stinkers. I guess we'll have to wait and see if Will inherits my love of "the stage"! :)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sick of the Sickness

I'm home. Again. Sick. With a sick baby. AH-gain. I feel like my head is full of cotton and that giant balls of phlegm are knocking on my gag reflex. Gross, I know. But the real reason I'm home is because I thought Will had pinkeye. The nurse says it probably is just his cold coming out of his eye but to keep-well--an "eye" on it (pardon the pun).

I have to tell you, that I'm just plain sick of it. Sick of the sickness. Sick of going to work and having sick kids cough on me. Stick their fingers in their germy mouths and up their boogery noses and then want me to hold their hand across the equipment or put a stamp on their slimy palm. Can I just tell you I've never seen a mom stop one of these kids from handing me a boogered up finger. Isn't that weird?

I'm sick of everyone assuming that because Will is in daycare, this is why he's repeatedly sick. (as in, he's been sick since OCTOBER). While this is, I'm sure, partially the reason, I'm also a freakin' carrier monkey these days. I hardly even blame the parents who drop off their sick babies at daycare. They have to go to work--I totally understand that. What I don't understand are the SAHM's who bring their little sickies into my class so they can drool and cough and booger up the equipment, me and all the other kids. Is this really something that couldn't be missed???

I'm sick of not being able to give my sick baby anything for a little relief. Recalled infant cold and cough remedies are making my life a living hell. I don't even care about my own lack of sleep, but when Will can't eat, sleep or breath, I get a little peeved. I'm sure the amount of Tylenol and Motrin I have been giving him, is probably not the best idea, but it seems to give the kid a break.

I'm sick of the sickness I tell you. I feel like someone needs to call a National Sick Day--and everyone should just stay home--just for ONE day and keep their germs to themselves--and maybe we can all get well!!!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

20 Reasons I HEART BabiesRUs

20. Without FAIL-I always find a new "gadget" that I absolutely NEED. My latest purchase-- The Tiny Diner. I highly recommend this genius gadget. It's a placemat that suctions to the table in a restaurant to avoid the germy disaster of biting the table.
19. The clearance racks are always jam packed. And often 20% off of that.
18. They give me more coupons than I know what to do with.
17. They have an EXTENSIVE selection of organic baby and toddler foods, as well as "green" cleaning products, wipes and diapers.
16. They have the freakin' cutest reusable shopping bags. May I suggest the sexy little black number with the butterfly? So sleek!
15. They gave me FREE BPA Free bottles. All I did was bring in my USED old Avent bottles and they gave me the CURRENT value exchange in BPA Free bottles.
14. If you need it for baby--they carry it.
13. They have an extensive and reasonable selection of cute boys clothes. Trust me, this is hard to come by. From sporty to rocker to preppy, they've got it all.
12. Did I mention the coupons???
11. The store is SO mom-friendly. From the layout to the nursing room, it's like a little home away from home. That takes all my money....oh well!
10. They have FREE classes, seminars, and I've recently learned---Stroller Aerobics! I can't wait to check this out!
9. Very easy and user-friendly registry program.
8. If you like it, guaranteed it'll go on sale and you'll get it for a bargain!
7. Coupons, coupons, and more coupons.
6. I love the little healthy snacks and drinks by the checkout. ALWAYS what I need. Especially if the Willster is in tow!
5. Their associates are very helpful. I was getting a stroller/carseat set as a gift and this teeny little girl got it down from the shelf for me and a MANAGER helped me take it to the car.
4. Their return policy is pretty liberal and I've never had a problem.
3. They send me email updates that are helpful, but not so many that they're annoying.
2. They just started a Rewards program that gives you even MORE coupons and special discounts and.....
1. With the Rewards program I've already earned $15 in gift cards since October! Free freakin' money. You can't beat that with a stick!