I hope that Will, looking back on today
Will remember a mommy who had time to play;
Because he'll grow up while I'm not looking
There are years ahead for cleaning and cooking.
So quiet now cobwebs, dust go to sleep,
I'm loving my baby, and babies don't keep.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Spectacles, Testicals, Wallet & Watch...

So I haven’t updated this blog since DECEMBER??? Really? How is that even acceptable?? Anyway, so much has been going on that I guess I’ll forgive myself, but still, I know those of you JONESING for a little Will need your updates, lol! :)

We’ll roll back a bit and just let you know that we had a busy, busy holiday season as usual. With our entire family local, it was a lot of running around so that everyone could spend a little cheer with Mr. Will. Santa was good to him, and so was everyone else. He got a pretend shaving kit that he’s enjoying with Dad, and lots of great car stuff. I think his favorite though was his pirate sword. This kid is OBSESSED with Pirates. The eye patch, the hat, the bandana, the sword, the treasure, he loves it all, and spends a good part of his sweet little life saying “Aaarghhh Matey!” (and then beating me or Jeff with a foam sword—good times).

Fast forward through a few weeks and it’s been a flurry of PT and doctors appointments. He got some night-splints …that’s right folks, orthotics to wear at night. While neither of us have the heart to make him wear them to bed (yet—we know we’ll have to succumb in time) that is even more time in the “passive stretching” stages of getting those heels down.

He also was referred to a pediatric ophthalmologist because of a “wandering” left eye. We again made the trek to Children’s and saw some sweet people who recommended glasses. I’ve known since Will was a baby that he’d likely end up in glasses at some point—he was 12 WEEKS premature, on oxygen for SEVEN weeks, and comes from a long line of poor vision. Even still, it broke my heart to see him in specs. It’s just one.more.thing. BUT, he’s a happy, healthy guy and I know I can’t complain. Plus, he’s cute as all get-out in these things. He also looks JUST like Jeff. As my cousin Shannon said—just put a little goatee on him and he’s a mini-Jeff. Too funny.

Last thing we’re still working on—dun dun duuuun: Potty Training. He is officially “Potty Training Resistant”. Apparently that means nothing other than, he can do it, he knows how, there’s nothing stopping him, but…him. He just doesn’t wanna. Oy. I want to be more stressed out about it, and when he has full conversations with me and I realize, holy crap (literally), you’re still in diapers???? I do get a little flustered, but I remain fairly confident that I won’t be sending him to college, or even kindergarten in Pampers.

Other than that he’s just getting funnier and smarter every day. Entertaining me with his CONSTANT chatter. When I correct him he usually says, “Yeah, that’s what I was talking about” or when I start to get flustered with his behavior he tells me “whoa, whoa, whoa Mom…settle dowwwwwwn”. To top it all off, he’s as sweet and loving and kind as ever. He’s not a rough boy, he’s definitely a friend. He pulled me in for a hug the other night, kissed me and said, “I love you baby”.

Love you too big boy.:)

1 comment:

kll012 said...

Love that kid!

Bout time you updated!!!