I hope that Will, looking back on today
Will remember a mommy who had time to play;
Because he'll grow up while I'm not looking
There are years ahead for cleaning and cooking.
So quiet now cobwebs, dust go to sleep,
I'm loving my baby, and babies don't keep.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

(Short) March for Babies

Today was our March of Dimes fundraising Walk, the March for Babies. I formed our team, Will's Wobbly Walkers very last minute, just over a month ago. Because I was a little late in the game, I initially set our sights low--I set our team goal at just $500 and thought there was no way we'd reach it. I hadn't even mentioned the walk to anyone prior to signing up! But in just 5 weeks we'd recruited 23 walkers and raised more than $1500!!! I couldn't believe it. I also managed to get t-shirts made for our grownups and designed some pretty spiffy special shirts for our Preemie honorees (we had THREE preemies on the team!) and for their full-term peeps. Surprisingly, I didn't even lose too much sleep over it! Things were going all too smoothly!!....

I should have known. The BIG DAY arrived, I had everything organized, we were on time (early, really) everyone had their shirts on, the babies were cute and happy, we even managed to get a GREAT team photo. The emcee started the Walk with a countdown...3...2...1...and we were off....

Within 50 feet...the skies opened up. The temperature dropped a noticeable 20 degrees, the wind howled and most of the 1000+ walkers made a brisk right turn into the parking structure just past the start line. We holed up in the chilly garage for 20 minutes or so, scrambling to put our big group back together and decide what to do. With no clear skies in sight, we decided to call it a wash and celebrate early with a nice, warm, DRY lunch at Chili's! I was disappointed, but was just happy to have my team together and raise a glass to our fundraising success!!!

I already have the wheels turning for next year.....

1 comment:

kll012 said...

#1 I have to get one of those bubble things for our stroller.

#2 I love that Carter looks so pensive in that picture. Like he knows it's going to rain & is trying to figure out a way to tell the grownups :-)