I hope that Will, looking back on today
Will remember a mommy who had time to play;
Because he'll grow up while I'm not looking
There are years ahead for cleaning and cooking.
So quiet now cobwebs, dust go to sleep,
I'm loving my baby, and babies don't keep.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I Digress...

This is going to make no sense. I'm going to babble and probably bob and weave all over the place here. But seeing as this is more of a journal for me than a widely read publication, I'm going to go ahead and let it...flow...
So, I sometimes wonder if it looks like I don't try. Or maybe that I'm a total mess. Well, let's be honest, obviously I'm a total mess, but I do like to think that I try...

I am a very lucky woman. I have a miracle baby who makes my heart sing in tunes it never knew it knew. I have a husband who challenges me in all way--good, bad and ugly. I have a job that I really do enjoy. Truth be told, I hate working and I hate that it takes me away from Will, but I know that working isn't an option, so I'm lucky to enjoy the job that I have. I have a family that I am close to and who I know loves me. I have every basic need met-and I know that is so much more than many, many, many people have.

But where I'm really lucky, is the same place that makes me the most crazy. It's the part of my life that makes me most who I am. It's the part of my life that spreads me the most thin. It's the part of my life that brings me some of the most joy. It's the part of my life that keeps my calendar full, my inbox full, my mailbox full, my phone ringing, my mouth moving and my heart overflowing. Where I'm really lucky--is my friendships.

I have a number of "groups" of friends.

My most obvious "circle" is my DC girls. These girls are my completely solid rock. They are my go-to for everything. Love advice, parenting advice, job advice. I turn to them for fun times, and always when my heart is on hard times. They are my true angels, and I'd be lost without them.

My sister and my cousin (1 year younger and 1 year older respectively) are some of my best friends, and my "low maintenance" friendships. Proximity keeps our relationship so easy. I can say preeeeetty much anything to them, and I'm not afraid of unmendable repercussions. This, of course, is good and bad.

I've also been lucky to make such great work-friends. I have a small circle of girls, that are harder to keep in touch with, from each working-world stint I've left behind. The range of personalities and gifts is so huge, that it keeps me so wildly entertained.

My high school friends--a small group, but oh, some of the sweetest friendships.

My Facebook friends. Ahhh my Facebook friends. Holy cow, talk about keeping me busy. Or is addicted a better word.

My Friends-in-Law. This is what I call the ladies I've met through Jeff. While I haven't necessarily thought the most highly of Jeff guy-friends--they get Jeff into a bit too much trouble for my taste--they managed to bring some awesome chicks to the table. I've really enjoyed growing up and moving through life stages with these women.

My "mommy" friends. I've been so lucky to meet these new mommy friends at Gymboree and through my other mommy friends. It is awesome to have people to do fun things with, with Will and their little ones. I love exposing Will to all his own different circles of playmates. I also love having a group of women that I can gush incessantly about nuks, tantrums, first words, best playgrounds, blah, blah, blah--it never ends.

The point of all this rambling is that because my life is so full of love and friendship--it sometimes may look like it's lacking in other areas. Sometimes, I have a sink full of dishes because I'm chatting on Facebook. Sometimes grocery shopping gets done at the last minute because I spent my Saturday afternoon at the Zoo with some mommy-friends. Sometimes my laundry isn't done because I met some work-girls for drinks. Sometimes Jeff make a frozen pizza for dinner because Will and I are hanging with the DC girls.

Could I have a cleaner house, more organized bills, folded laundry and baked goods on the counter? Yes. Would I rather have a calendar full of memories and more photos than I'd ever be able to find the time to scrapbook--that's a hell yes.

My life may not be neat and tidy--and sometimes I'm hard to get a hold of--but I love it, and I wouldn't change a thing.

1 comment:

kll012 said...


Nice to see a positive view to the messes our lives can be.

Love you!