I hope that Will, looking back on today
Will remember a mommy who had time to play;
Because he'll grow up while I'm not looking
There are years ahead for cleaning and cooking.
So quiet now cobwebs, dust go to sleep,
I'm loving my baby, and babies don't keep.

Friday, December 19, 2008

I Believe....

Last year, we didn't get to see Santa. I wanted to so badly. I knew I shouldn't have wanted it so much--Will wasn't supposed to even have his first Christmas until this year anyway. But, he was here. And Santa was there. At the mall. With the germs, and without us. We were housebound, and glad to be. We were fresh from the NICU and under strict instructions to avoid any kind of crowds, including church, the mall, and our own family gatherings for the holidays. So we vowed to skip it all. We skipped Santa.

As this December rolled around, I was giddy with excitement to bring Will to see Santa. It was one of those milestones I dreamed about when mommyhood was still just a wish and a prayer. I waited all year for it. And now, Santa was here!

As the month wound down I was worried we'd never find the time! Luckily, there was a backup plan. Santa would be visiting Will's daycare for breakfast with the kids. Whew! If by some chance we didn't make the mall, I would get my picture with Santa. Breakfast With Santa Day came and I, with my "mommy brain" of mush and feathers, forgot all about it. Will arrived, unbathed and in an outfit that was ALL WRONG for Santa day! BOO! I had to leave before the Big Man arrived, but I wished him well, told him to sit nice for Santa and tell him what he wanted for Christmas. When I called around lunch time to ask how it went, the exact words were "Well, I've never seen his little arms and legs move so fast!" He couldn't get away fast enough. Oh no! No good picture, and no magical memory!

I knew we HAD to make the mall. This required "professional attention". I picked out his outfit and had Jeff bring him to the mall in the afternoon--no lines, no pressure, lots of time to get my perfect shot. Well, there was no line. There was no pressure. And with no effort at all, my professional, and who just may be the REAL Santa, gave me the perfect shot. And completed the milestone, the memory, that I'd been dreaming about...

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