I hope that Will, looking back on today
Will remember a mommy who had time to play;
Because he'll grow up while I'm not looking
There are years ahead for cleaning and cooking.
So quiet now cobwebs, dust go to sleep,
I'm loving my baby, and babies don't keep.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


We had our 6 month follow-up with Children's Rehab Clinic last week and the doctor discovered that Will does not have full range of motion on his right foot.  He can only take his foot to 90 degrees which attributes to him constantly up on tip-toes.  So, she decided to give him Botox injections (well, actually, it was a similar drug but this particular one has "dry mouth" as a side effect, so she thought that would be helpful for his excessive drooling).  It appeared to be the most painful thing I've seen him have to get stuck with in a long time!  He was brave though and only screamed for a mere 2 minutes. It's been just a week and I can already see HUGE improvements!!!  He's walking pretty flat-footed on his right side and just a bit tip-toed on the left. He gets casted next week for new orthotics, so hopefully that will help correct him even further.

He's also on his 4th week of gymnastics and it appears that the whole "listening and following directions" thing that's alluded him for so long may finally be sinking in!! He actually did all the stretches and the obstacle course this week!! He LOVES gymnastics and the access to the trampoline and other equipment is great for him.  We'll definitely be signing up for another session!

Not a whole ton of other new news, but this kid definitely gets more and more hysterical every day.  He sure has a lot of "isms" lately including:
"Come ON Mom!"
"You freak me out"
"Holy cats!"
"It's gonna be ok mom. It's gonna be GREAT!"
Little weirdo. I just love him. :)

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