I hope that Will, looking back on today
Will remember a mommy who had time to play;
Because he'll grow up while I'm not looking
There are years ahead for cleaning and cooking.
So quiet now cobwebs, dust go to sleep,
I'm loving my baby, and babies don't keep.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

More Prematurity?

Why does this child decide to do the things that should come later, earlier (ya know, like being born and all) and things that should come earlier, later?

While walking is still something we are struggling with at 20 months, I'm happy to announce that it something we are dabbling in! Will takes anywhere from 4-15 steps at a time now. Some days he can make it clear across the room. Unfortunately, it's more propelled on by momentum and not so much by control, so it's very drunken-style and tip-toed but nonetheless, it's more and more every day, so that rocks. However, we are still quite behind on the gross-motor spectrum.

What I'm a little stressed about these though, is that I feel that the Terrible Two's have arrived approximately 4 months prematurely. Here is a sampling of my lovely laundry list of Terrible Toddler behavior that is making it's way around my house on a daily basis.

  • We need to removed from the top of the kitchen or coffee table multiple times a day. We like to grip on with steriod-like strength so it takes Mom both hands and sometimes a second person to complete the task.
  • We've learned to ask for our nuk (calling it "oook" "oook" "oook") and will request it 8000 times until said "oook" is relinquished or we will crumble into a ball of tantrum on the nearest floor.
  • When we're feeling irritated with Mommy, or just feeling spunky, we decide that sticking out our tongue and spitting are a great way to express this feeling.
  • If we're removed from a fun (a.k.a. "dangerous") situation, biting Mom in the shoulder is definitely the best way to get our disapproval across.
  • Toys sound really great when every single one is chucked across the room. Response to "No, Will, no throwing toys" is to laugh and throw one farther and harder. Maybe even at Mom, we'll see what moves us.
  • When we've decided we've had enough to eat, we like to give mom the Devil Smile and throw any leftovers to the non-existent dogs. If we're extra jazzed, we might mash it through our fingers before we send it flying (i.e. last night's 1/2 banana).
  • Outside is the only acceptable place to be spending our time right now, regardless of weather (hail, thunder or extreme heat) and hanging from the door knob and screaming is our only comfortable way to express this desire.

To put the icing on the cake for Mommy, we've proudly mastered "Da", "Dada" and even "Daddy" when we're dressed to impress, but when asked who I am, or to "Say Mama" we answer with "Um" or "Ba" or just skip right over it all and request the "oook" one final time....

1 comment:

kll012 said...

ummm yeah- none of that sounds like fun.

sorry :-(

But at least he's cute?