I hope that Will, looking back on today
Will remember a mommy who had time to play;
Because he'll grow up while I'm not looking
There are years ahead for cleaning and cooking.
So quiet now cobwebs, dust go to sleep,
I'm loving my baby, and babies don't keep.

Monday, July 26, 2010


So I realize I've been slacking on updating this blog--shame on me!!!
It's been a SUPER busy couple of months, with so much to share!  I'll give a bit of a rundown and I promise pics are to follow--I thought I lost my camera battery charger, so the camera's been out of commission, but I found it and we're back in action--look for the evidence to follow!

May: It was a busy start to Spring with this mama squeezing in a birthday (boo!) and enjoying Mother's Day with my boys.  We were so excited about the awesome weather that we spent day after day and night after night outside.  With all the bustle in and out, we are sad to report that we had an escapee.  Our beloved Malachi bolted out the back door and before we noticed he'd escaped, he was long gone.  We looked and looked, but our kitty has not returned. His absence was pretty much unnoticed until recently actually--Will's been saying "Were's Malachi?? I can't find him anywhere! Maybe he's in my room? Maybe he's in the closet? Maybe he's hiding in the bushes?"  It's been breaking our hearts!!  We did find a day to have some fun and ventured into Oconomowoc for the Memorial Day Parade. It was short but sweet and Will really liked the marching bands ("Like Caillou does!!).

June: Mama was a flurry of crafting activity all month long with Jessica's bridal shower at the end of the month.  Lots of sleepless nights and running around days, it was a big success to toast the beautiful bride-to-be.  We found a few weekend days to have some R&R out at Pretty Lake thanks to our good friend Mike an his awesome beach access.  It's warm, shallow and sandy and Will LOOOOVES the water.  He's not very brave but loves to sit and make mama some "Lake Water Soup".  Our evenings have been spent outside (of course) with lots of time perfecting our scooter and skateboard riding.  He can finally reach the pedals on his trike and Harley big wheel and loves zooming down the driveway.  I also purchased a bike trailer and borrowed my mom's bike so we've hit the trails a few times to the park, Le Duc's and Pick n Save!  We managed a trip or two to the zoo and have fallen in love with feeding the goats (gross, if you ask me!).

July: Another busy, busy month!  I finally snuck in a date with my boyfriend, Dave Matthews, and returned to Alpine after a 5 year hiatus from our yearly love-fest. It was fantastic as usual and Will and Daddy enjoyed a boys-night-in while I swayed with 10,000 in the grass.  The next evening we had a great 4th of July barbecue with the neighbors who've become our second family.  Will had fun swinging on Alex's swing set and exploring all his "big boy" toys. The next weekend was our local "Wales Splash" festival, and this year it expanded to include a few carnival rides and games.  Will had more fun than I've ever seen him have--he won a giant Batman doll at the pick-a-duck game, took a white-knuckle ride down the "giant" slide, fell in love with the carousel, fell in HATE with the kiddie gator-coaster (they had to STOP the ride!!) and danced his booty off to the live band!!  It was a great time, and just a stroller walk away!  Just 1 short week later Will made his debut as Flower Boy for Auntie Bessie's (Jessica) wedding! It was an absolutely beautiful day and Will was adorable in his suspenders and bowtie.  Nevaeh was his partner in crime in her matching dress and together they "dumped da flowers so Bessie can step on them!  Then they're going to have a wedding and KISS!"  I am so proud of my baby sister and thrilled to have Dana join our family!!!  The next week we started gymnastics class at the YMCA, and so far, so good--Will loves it!  He was a swinging, somersaulting, jumping maniac. Can't wait to get a few shots of him in this class!

And with that our summer is quickly coming to an end!  I can't believe in just 4 weeks the neighbor kids will be back in school and our street and backyards will be silent before 8pm! We love summer vacation, its like we live in some alternate universe where clocks don't matter, bedtimes are in flux and the ice cream is free flowing!

With fall on the horizon, that has mama in FULL ON birthday party planning mode....LOOK OUT! :)

1 comment:

kll012 said...

well looky looky!

welcome back love- missed ya!