I hope that Will, looking back on today
Will remember a mommy who had time to play;
Because he'll grow up while I'm not looking
There are years ahead for cleaning and cooking.
So quiet now cobwebs, dust go to sleep,
I'm loving my baby, and babies don't keep.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Yackity Yack--He's Talking Back!

Will's vocabulary has exploded in the last couple of weeks. He was really sick all last week and didn't have too much to say, and now it's almost like he spent those lazy days mentally studying all the things I say, because my phrases are now his phrases. He's hysterically now trying out:
"Aw Man!"
"Oh Boy!"
"I Don't Know" (sounds more like "I neyo neyo!?")
"Yep" and "Yeah"
"All Gone"
"All Done"

He's really good with: Eat, More, Mama, Dada, Buh-Bye, Hi, Up, Down, Out, Horse, Kitty, Dog, Cookie, No, Hot, Ball, Please, Eyes, Na-Nigh (night, night), Milk, Ba-Ba, Ook (nuk) and Aag (rag), Home, Baby, Mickey, Ah-Pa! (Grandpa) & Poop. :)

He likes to watch "A-Basssse" (Baseball) and loves "MoMo" or "Ahhh-Mo" (Elmo). He commands Jeff and I to "Bawww! Bawww!" (Bowl--on the Wii) and can't get enough of "Ahsiiiyed! Ahsiiiiyed!!!" (Outside).

He's tried out "Oh Tarter Sauce!" (he learned this from my aunt and mother--I think it's supposed to be a swear substitute?) On that note, I'm not too proud to admit that he also throws out "Aww, Shit"......


kll012 said...

I'd be proud of the "aw shit" too!

Nice job Willster!

Brooke said...

Tarisa! For all I couldn't say as we were leaving yesterday.....thank you for being such an awesome teacher to my girls and for being such a good friend to me! We will miss seeing you every week. You're the best!
Brooke (are you thinking...okay...I give her 2 weeks and she'll be back!?!?!) (I love this post...Will is SO CUTE!)