I hope that Will, looking back on today
Will remember a mommy who had time to play;
Because he'll grow up while I'm not looking
There are years ahead for cleaning and cooking.
So quiet now cobwebs, dust go to sleep,
I'm loving my baby, and babies don't keep.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Trouble Trouble...

Just a few photos of all the latest mischief....

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Promenading for Preemies

When Will was born at just 28 weeks, he weighed only 3 pounds 10 ounces--and he was BIG for his age! He could not breathe on his own for the first day of his life. He suffered from a heart murmur, pneumonia, and a brain bleed. He had IV's in his head, he had a blood transfusion and he was on oxygen for nearly 6 weeks. He grew in the loving arms of the Waukesha Memorial Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit by angels here on earth for 7 weeks before joining us at home.

We know that Will's health and strong recovery is nothing short of a miracle, and we know that without the constant research and development of Neonatal care, babies like Will, 28 weekers, babies born even earlier-and later-would not be able to live strong healthy lives like the one he is living.

This need for constant medical advancement is why we are walking and why our team has joined thousands of compassionate teams across the country that support March for Babies. Won′t you please help us in this worthy cause? Join us in the walk that helps all moms and babies.

The money we raise for March for Babies will help:
...support all-important research offering preventions and solutions for babies born too soon or with birth defects
...educate women on things they can do to increase their chances of having a healthy baby
...provide comfort and information to families with a newborn in intensive care
...push for newborn screening and health insurance for all pregnant women and children.

Please help our team help babies— visit www.marchforbabies.org/tarisakay today and donate or join our team to walk with us! The mission of March of Dimes is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

You Oughtta Be In Pictures...

"Dang, you take a lot of pictures!!!" Jeff exclaims as he flips through my newest camera (mind you, these are only pics that have been taken since JANUARY). He's right, I do. Why not, you have to capture these memories before they disappear from my rapidly aging mind! I thought I'd post a few of my recent favorites...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Signs, Signs, Everywhere Signs

I've always enjoyed dabbling in Baby Signs. When I'd first heard of it, I thought it was genius. When I first saw kids doing Baby Signs, I thought it was a little awkward, but was still intrigued. When Will was very little, I felt ridiculous waving my arms "All Done" and tapping my hands "More", never seeing the slightest interest or response.

Let me tell you, when that light bulb came on, I switched right over to fanatic! Watching him tap his chubby hands together for "more" and rock his fat little arms together for "baby" and brush his teeth with his finger for "toothbrush" is utterly hilarious. He's not been too "conversational" with the signs, he's more my little trained poodle right now, but I just love seeing that he is learning and retaining things. And if it does transition into conversational or even demand signing, by god, it's better than the "eh! eh! eh" along with pointing that he's growing so fond of!

I recommend the Little Einsteins "Baby's First Signs" video with the ever-loathsome Baby Einstein puppets and the Baby Signs brand books (photos of babies doing the signs) if anyone is interested in learning a little more about Baby Signs.

We're up to eat, more, all-done, toothbrush, bath, goodnight, love, & baby. I'm going to try and get him to do them all and upload a video, because it is so truly hysterical!