I hope that Will, looking back on today
Will remember a mommy who had time to play;
Because he'll grow up while I'm not looking
There are years ahead for cleaning and cooking.
So quiet now cobwebs, dust go to sleep,
I'm loving my baby, and babies don't keep.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

And I'll Cry If I Want To

I'll admit it--I hate the sound of Will's crying. It either breaks my heart or it's like nails on a chalkboard. So I'll admit this too: I pretty much cater to him so I don't have to hear it.

This leads me to my current problem...now that he's rounded the corner past the 1 year mark, he's not always as keen on taking a nap as he used to be. I guess that was to be expected, but just a few short weeks ago, I could lay him down and he just snuggled up and drifted off no problem. Fast forward to right NOW...he's been crying (check that, screaming) in his bed on and off for 15 minutes. Every now and then he stops, and I KNOW he's tired, but I don't know how long is too long to let him "cry it out". I don't really have a problem with letting him do it, I just don't know I'm letting him cry too long, too short, or just right. So I have all the anxiety while he's thrashing around up there, I'm sure cursing my name....

...wait...is that quiet I hear???? Did I do it right????? Good gravy, I just may be getting the hang of this parenting thing yet!!!

On to the next problem...do I use this hour for kicking my feet up and snuggling up with my remote control or do I tear around the house like a mad woman in a desperate attempt to get all the things done that require my attention away from my little king of the castle before he wakes up.........hmmm.....

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Teeny Little Super Guy

So I thought I'd jump on the blogging bandwagon--well, to be honest, I jumped on the band wagon years ago, then fell off, then got on again, then fell off again, and have since wandered far from the wagon, but now find myself with much more to say, so here I am again, back on the wagon.

Blah! So anyway, the basis of this blog will be by rants and raves about my new profession-parenting, and all the joys and sorrows that go with it, but I shall warn--I know I will digress, and share with you rants and raves of other varieties, but I'm sure my main focus will be Big Willie Style. Truth be told, he's pretty much my main focus in life.

Stay tuned, I have lots and lots and lots to say!